

Jumat, 02 Juli 2010


Elementary school children is a category of children with many experiencing a very drastic changes, both mental and physical. Elementary school age children ranging from 6-12 years according to Seifert and Haffung has three types of developments:
1. Physical development
It covers the biological growth such as growth of the brain, muscle and bone. At the age of 10 years both men and women began to height and weight increased less than 3.5 kg. But after the age of 12 -13 years old teen girls developing faster than at lebig men, Sumantri et al (2005).
2. Cognitive Development
This involves a change - a change in the development of cognitive fikir.Perkembangan pattern as described by Jean Piaget can be explained based on the development of three approaches, namely:
a. Pre-Operations Stage
b. Stages of concrete Operations
c. Formal Operations Stage
3. Psychosocial development
It is associated with the development and changes of individual emotions. As described by Robert J. Havighurst argued that each individual development must be consistent with other aspects of such developments include aspects of psychological, moral and social. In line with RJ Havighurst above, Syaodih (2007) describes the stages a child's development when viewed from the aspect of psychological, social and moral is:
The three types of developments are moves depending on the development of each type as described above, different. It depends on the variables that drive stimulant. If the physical stimulation that often given the physical factors berkembangan children as well as with cognitive and psychosocial factors.

Kamis, 01 Juli 2010


Every thinker has a different definition of the meaning of philosophy because understanding is so broad and abstract. But in a simple philosophy can be interpreted together as a system of values (systems of values) of the sublime that can be handle or conviction of each individual, or family, or community groups and / or a particular community, or in turn a particular nation. Education as an organized effort, planned, systematic, for transmitting culture in the broad sense (knowledge, attitudes, morals and values of life and the lives, skills, etc..) From one generation to another generation. The vision, mission and objectives to be achieved all based on a certain philosophy. For us as a nation within a nation state (nation state) that is free, we shall base on the educational philosophy of life that we agreed on and adhered together.

In our long history since our formation as a nation (nation formation) up to the formation of nation states (state formation and nation-state) that is free, at any period of time, education can not be separated from the philosophy that became the main foundation of any form of education because it involves the system values (systems of values) that give color and a "spirit of the age" (Zeitgeist) adopted by each individual, family, members of the ¬-members of a particular community or society, or in turn the nation and national state. The foundation of this philosophy can be traced only through the study of history, especially the history of Indonesian Education.

As a comparison, in the countries of Europe (and America) in the 19th century and 20th of attention to the History of Education has emerged from and used to further the purposes of all kinds, al to raise national awareness, awareness of the unity of culture, professional development of teachers, or for pride against ¬ agencies and institutions of certain types of education. (Silver, 1985: 2266).

The substance and the pressure in the History of Education that varies within the intent of the study: from a tradition of thought and great thinkers in education, national traditions, educational systems and their components, to education in relation to a number of problematic elements in social change or stability, including religion, science (science), economics, and social movements. In connection with all the History of Education MI is closely related to intellectual history and social history. (Silver, 1985: Talbot, 1972: 193-210)

The essence of education itself is the actual transfer (transmission) of culture (science, technology, ideas and spiritual values as well as (aesthetic) of the older generation to the younger generation in every society or nation. Therefore history of education has a history as old as society actors themselves, since the informal education in family batih, to the formal education and non-formal education in the agricultural community and industry.

During the History of Education is still using the old approach or "traditional" diachronic whose study is generally centered on the history of ideas-¬ ideas and great thinkers in education, or history and education systems and institutions, or the history of legislation and policy general in the field of education. (Silver, 1985: 2266) This diachronic approach is generally considered to be static, narrow and too inward looking. In line with the times and progress in education and all sorts of problems arising out of or caused, handling and new approaches in the History of Education is perceived as a pressing need by historians of education later. (Talbot, 1972: 206-207)

Historians, especially historians of education look at the reciprocal relationship between education and society; between education providers and the government as a representation of nation and state to formulate policies (policy) common to national education. Products from the educational cause of social mobility (vertical or horizontal); the problems that arise in the educational impacts (positive or negative) is felt mainly by the user community, for example, the emergence of middle class people who are unemployed because of the kind of education is not in accordance with the labor market; or gaps in the distribution and quality of education; secondary education which can only be enjoyed by children of the rich with educational ¬ terminals from young children whose parents can not afford; commercialization of education in the form of foundations and so forth. Overall demand increased methodological research and writing of better history danipada before to handle all these educational problems.

In connection with the above approach, History of Education has not enough with just the diachronic ways. There should be a new methodological approach, namely al, interdisciplinary. The interdisciplinary approach is a combination of history with the synchronic diachronic approach to the science-social ihmu. Now this particular social sciences such as anthropology, sociology, and politics has entered the "border" (history) education with the "applied sciences" so-called educational anthropology, sociology, education, and political education. In this approach be utilized optimally and maximally dialogical relationship "mutually simbiose" between history with social sciences.

History of National Education of Indonesia in the sense of including relatively new. In the days of colonial rule has also to be taught in a diachronic attention since the time of the education systems of Hindu, Muslim, Portuguese, VOC, Dutch East Indies government-19th century. Then proceed with the Japanese education and after Indonesia's independence diachronic model was still continued until now.

Lectures conducted by interdisiplm approach (diachronic and / or synchronic). Education for Indonesia 's modern history, the substance of the whole spectrum of education in temporal never accepted and still valid in Indonesia; the relationship between education policy with national political government, including policy formulation and curriculum changes that accompany it in all its aspects; educational institutions (government and private ); formal education and non-formal education; general education, special and religion. In short all sorts of paper that faced by the Indonesian education past and present and look to the future prosepeknya. History as a reflective study can be used to look forward prosepek although no pretensions of fortune. In every discussion attempted visits philosophy background.

Sources used: The first source (primary sources) in the form of documents pertaining to education policy; second sources (secondary sources) benipa articles, monographs, or books and papers about the development of education. As a comparative material resources of the History of Education in other countries that can be obtained via the internet etc..


The rise of the announcement of the results of the national final examination (UAN), protests, pro-cons of its implementation, and the large number of participants who fail should inspire us to push to improve education quality. Particularly in a global era, when the exchange of labor and foreign experts, the state ought to be a threat to human resources in Indonesia.

Do you know which country the quality of education was ranked first in the world? If you do not know, why not because many do not know that the first rank for the quality of education is Finland. Countries with capital of Helsinki (where the signing of a peace agreement between the GoI and GAM), this is so incredible. 1 world ranking is obtained by Finland based on a comprehensive international survey in 2003 by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The tests, known as PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) to measure students' abilities in the fields of Science, Reading, and Mathematics.
Remarkably, Finland not only excel academically but also shows superior in children's education is weak mentally. In summary, Finland managed to make all the smart students. Then what is the key to Top Finland became the world's No. 1? In Finland education budget problems are a little higher than the state average in Europe but still inferior to other countries. Finland does not boost their students by increasing the hours of learning, giving extra homework load, soldier discipline, or memborbardir students with a variety of tests. In contrast, students in Finland start school at a rather slow compared with other countries, namely at the age of seven years, and their school hours just a little more, ie, only 30 hours per week. Compare with Korea, ranked second after Finland, the students spend 50 hours per week.
What is your key? It turned out that the key lies in the quality of teachers. In Finland there are only teachers with the best quality with the best training as well. Teaching profession itself is a very respected profession, even though their wages are not fantastic. The best high school graduates usually just sign up for admission in schools of education, and only one of seven applicants is accepted. Competition is tighter than go to law school or medical school! Comparing with Indonesia, which supplied teachers of students with a quality pickup. Some students in Indonesia as a teachers college chose the last alternative. They are educated by the universities with modest quality, too.
With good quality students and education and training of highly qualified lecturers who are also not wrong if they then can become the teachers with high quality also. With these competencies they are free to use any class methods that they love, with which they design their own curriculum and textbooks of their own choosing.
If other countries believe that the testing and evaluation for students is a very important part of quality education, Finland actually believe that the examinations and testing that is what destroyed the students' learning objectives. Too much testing makes us tend to teach the students to merely pass the test, said a teacher in Finland. Though many aspects of education that can not be measured by exams. At the age of 18 yr students take exams to determine their qualifications in colleges and two-thirds of graduates go on to college.
Students are taught to evaluate themselves, even since the pre-kindergarten! This helps students learn to be responsible for their own jobs, says Sundström, principal at elementary Poikkilaakso, Finland. And if they are responsible they will more bebas.Guru bekeja not necessarily control them. Students are encouraged to work independently with their own trying to find the information they need. Students learn more if they find themselves the information they need. We do not learn anything if we just wrote down what was said by the teacher. Here, teachers do not teach with lecture method. School atmosphere is very relaxed and flexible. The existence of too many command will only generate a sense of distress, and resulted in a learning atmosphere becomes unpleasant.
Group of students who later received intensive support. This is also what makes Finland a success. Based on the PISA findings, the schools in Finland is very little difference between students who do well and what is bad and is the best according to the OECD. Remedial not regarded as a sign of failure but as an opportunity to improve. A teacher who is in charge of learning and behavioral problems of students create an individual program for each student with emphasis on the objectives to be achieved, for example: First, go to class, then come in time; next, bring books, etc.. If a PR students do not even need to answer correctly, the important thing they try.
The teachers really avoid criticism of their student work. According to them, if we say "You're wrong" with the students, then it will make students shy. And if they were ashamed of it would hinder them in learning. Each student is allowed to make mistakes. They only asked to compare their results with the previous value, and not with other students. So there's no ranking system-rankingan. Each student is expected to be proud of her own. Rank-rankingan only makes teachers focus on a handful of qualified students who are considered the best in its class.
Greatness in the Finnish educational system is a combination of high teacher competence, patience, tolerance and commitment to success through personal responsibility. If I failed in teaching a student, said a teacher, then that means there's something wrong with my teaching! Greeting actually a very responsible teacher.