

Senin, 28 Juni 2010



The development of human civilization has brought us to an era that is very different from previous decades. Humans have changed his outlook in view of existence amid the current progress of science and technology. As if the human race with time in maximizing the utilization of natural profusely for the welfare of mankind. But the essence of an effort to optimize the food production for human welfare is sometimes forgotten to be a very eksploitif business.
Nature has provided everything for the sake of its survival of mankind. But humans have limitations in this process it so that there are continuous efforts to find a way to solve. Facts about the existence of abundant natural resources with the trend of diminishing returns as the result of human thinking went looking for the solution of these problems. It happened in an effort to meet human needs for food sources. As stated by Maslow that the tendency of population is not balanced with the added availability of food. That scientists attempt to discover how to optimize your agricultural produce and livestock through the use of good techniques from the simplest level to the modern. Utilization of biotechnology in the effort to improve food availability and health materials have obtained satisfactory results with the techniques found in tissue culture, cloning and genetic engineering and others.
Utilization of applied technologies are not necessarily can we feel, especially in Indonesia without any efforts ali absorption and generation of good. To meet this early childhood education through the introduction of biotechnology at the primary level to something that is absolutely done. The question now is:
1. How appropriate forms of integration at the level of the curriculum to ensure the level of effectiveness in membelajarkan students to aim to give students an understanding of biotechnology to the SD can be achieved?
2. How forms of learning in biotechnology applications is at the level of implementation?
3. Extent feasible level of content of the material given to students from elementary to be relevant to levels of mind and imagination of students.

Progress of science and technology in all areas of education sector readiness to sue regeneration of science and applied technology to science and technology developments occur continuously. Areas of study into areas of science and technology related to several aspects of both eksata and non eksata. Eksata sphere in general in the early education level consists of the Mathematics and Science. While IPA mewilayahi three areas, namely Physics, Chemistry and Biology. For further education level Biology is divided into several sections that applied science is more specific one of them is Biotechnology.
Biotechnology by Ramdani et al, 2000 (in Sutarno; 2009) is a technology that uses living organisms or their parts to meet the needs of human life. Biotechnology Investments into the realm of basic education is as an effort to introduce to the students about the importance of the role of humans to intervene to establish the environment through a technique to satisfy the curiosity and needs of human life. Biotechnology is already long familiar with the history of mankind such as the manufacture of vinegar, tape, beer, bread through a process called fermentation who first confirmed by a scientist who until now dubbed the "Father of Biotechnology is Lois Pasteur.
See explanation above shows that there is a thread that allows us to integrate the science of biotechnology in science subjects in primary schools because it appears in such a way biotechnology realm of science itself, which is the parent science. So that the integration of biotechnology at the level of the curriculum is not too difficult. For there are many items on the curriculum of basic competencies of students present the material that may be inserted in biotechnology from class III to class VI. While the technical implementation of learning in the classroom can begin with simple things by attempting the use of the technique of grafting techniques, implant, patch, etc. Which of these activities is a matter related to the techniques of plant production will increase but in a simple format that is at the level of recognition importance of biotechnology in meeting human needs for food.
Approaches, methods, learning techniques in the media and this is very easy to implement with full teachers willing to think creatively and to explore using his expertise to take advantage of nature around the school. Relevant methods used in this case is the method of observation, experimental methods, and even minimal perform demonstration methods. While the nature of media around the school is very feasible to use the media or even by just using the image because of technical considerations difficulty of finding a natural environment that this occurs primarily in urban areas.
Limitation of materials based on grade level at the elementary school made by considering the complexity of the learning material. As explained above that the technique of grafting, implant, patch on the breeding activities of learning material beings are the most simple level of introduction of plant biotechnology. While for animals teachers may consider using observations on the breeding of animals through intercross results in several animal species such as bekisar, chicken krosing result, pig outcome krosing and so forth. In this case the picture is very relvan media where students will be able to compare between the parent of a different species produce offspring which are superior than its parents so that was developed in order to obtain maximum meat production. So that human needs for food needs will increase. In the end, students will understand that the importance of learning in such biotechnology in terms of meeting human needs is increasing every period as the rate of increase in human population is increasing every moment.
The essence of the above descriptions are culminated in the hope that awareness of our future generations of primary school students about the importance of continuing efforts to provide food in the midst of increasing population that is not unstoppable. The early awareness will impact on the awareness of the importance of the natural environment in order to save human existence on this earth. Later in Indonesia there are millions of beings will young prospective scientists who have the awareness of the importance of utilizing technology in the field of biotechnology in the consciousness in order to save the natural environment of human existence. Instead of scientists who just learned and clever and use their knowledge to exploit nature, so as even to threaten human existence.

Abundant natural resources over time will decrease as the growth of world population increase beyond increasing food production. Thus creating various efforts to empower people so skilled in using that availability of food is always available. Natural science has brought humans to create a variety of technologies to overcome these problems. Field of science that studies it is biotechnology.
Integrating biotechnology materials in primary schools as an initial effort in introducing and raising the awareness to keep the food supply amid the increasing number of residents is very important. So the role of education in this elementary school teacher is very dominant in working on her teaching skills in serving students with a mix of different approaches, techniques, methods and instructional media so that the basic competence is achieved through the establishment of indicators, the formulation and implementation of learning and human interactive learning.
Students' awareness of the importance of keeping the technology used can be pursued for the greatest welfare of mankind rather than threaten human existence. Thus, what is the hope we all tentan awareness of the importance of awareness of our generation on the environment is achieved. After that is now passed away to all parties so that such thinking is not only in the form of a formal policy on paper, while the implementation of essentially forgotten.

Jumat, 25 Juni 2010


Implementations of UN Human Rights in Indonesia trough many steps. These was as mentions below.
The UN Decade on Human Rights Education:
  1. To form a working group to carry out thedecade of activities, as follow up of the UN Vienna Declaration and Action Program.
  2. To decide the priorities in the UN plan of action on human rights education for the decade with UN assistance.
  3. To organize symposiums on regional and national level for exchanging views to promote human rights education, in line with the results of the National Workshop on human rights education for development in Asia Pacific, Manila in 1995.
  4. Development and dissemination of human rights studies.

University Level:

  1. To form a human rights study center. In the first stage study centers will be set up in several universities in Jakarta, Central and East Java and one outside Java. To set up libraries on human rights in universities and establish a national center on human rights.
  2. To organize a degree program for a study on human rights in several universities in Indonesia or abroad on a scholarship.
  3. Education and training on human rights for law enforcement apparatuses with aid from UN headquarters.

School Programs

The government of Indonesia in encouraging the socialization of human rights will prepare three activities in schools such as:

  1. To prepare a curriculum on human rights for elementary, secondary and high schools.
  2. To translate literature or books on human rights for the students.
  3. To train teachers on human rights with technical assistance from various related international organizations.

Extra Curricular Education include:

  1. To prepare publication on human rights in which the public understands them easily.
  2. To make the public aware of human rights in villages through government programs while guidance and counseling are given to apparatuses.
  3. To promote workshop programs on human rights.
  4. To organize several workshops and discussions in social organization and non-governmental organizations.
  5. To formulate counseling on concepts of human rights in social groups such as religious organizations, scouts, youth organizations etc.

Education through Family:

  1. Through an education pattern for children.
  2. Family reinforcement.

Mass Media

  1. To organize regular workshops and training on human rights for journalists and information officers.
  2. To organize interviews and discussions on television and radio, in cooperation with the Department of Justice.
  3. To disseminate information and booklets on human rights.
  4. To display activities on human rights in the printed and electronic media.
  5. To activate traditional media.

Selasa, 22 Juni 2010


Is there relationship between culture and educations ? The answer is Yes.
Culture is everything that human ever doing, ever create and ever think, and educations is how human learn about how to doing, how to create and hoe to think.

There aren't culture without educations. Educations is the way to regenerate culture from any year to next and from millenium to next. The only terms that it will be haven continoustly is human existecies. Without human, culture will be not continued. It'll be stoped. All think will be finish. No story, no history. Nothing.

So every country have a big plant to improve their potentiality trough educations. The country without educations it's means it will be ready to go hell. No cultered community it's means back in time. Start from begining.

It's just the began of my article, just a small article that give me opportunity to thinking aloud.

Soryy for my english
(Indonesian Teacher Corner)